
Zodiacal light 95 minutes before sunrise

The intense light source under the cloud layer is Hilo.
Click on the image or on the following reference to display the higher resolution image version (2.7 MB, PNG format).

Date03. 04. 2011
Time(1) 04:01 - 04:14, (2) 04:18 - 04:31,
(3) 04:39 - 04:46, (4) 04:49 - 04:54 local time
PlaceHawaii, Big Island, Mauna Kea
CoordinateN 19° 49.37', W 155° 28.19', alt. 4230 m
ConditionsExcellent, clear sky
OpticsCanon Fisheye lens EF 15mm 1:2.8
CameraCanon EOS 5D (Hutech Ia modification)
Exposure(1) 6× 120 s  (ISO 1600, F4), (2) 6× 120 s  (ISO 1600, F4),
(3) 13× 30 s  (ISO 3200, F2.8), (4) 10× 30 s  (ISO 3200, F2.8)
ProcessingThe image is a composition of 4 different fields (1)-(4).
NoteEquirectangular projection
Copyright© 2011 Miloslav Druckmüller, Shadia Habbal

Miloslav Druckmüller
Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Page last update: 28.3.2012