Eastern limb detail
This extremely high-resolution image shows fascinating details above the Eastern limb of the Sun. The
resolution of coronal details is probably on the edge of possibilities of SLR digital cameras. The
limiting factors of the image sharpness are not only the optics, focusing, tracking and vibrations
but also movements in solar corona during the total eclipse. The resolution of the higher resolution
image version presented on this page is 1.78 arcsec/pixel. The full resolution of the original
data is 0.89 arcsec/pixel.
Click on the image or on the following reference to display the
higher resolution image version (2.4 MB, PNG format).
Image | Tse2008_1250_e_hr.png |
Date | 01. 08. 2008 |
Time | 2nd contact 11:03:35 UT, 3rd contact 11:05:39 UT Total eclipse duration 2 m 4 s |
Place | Mongolia, Bor Udzuur |
Coordinate | 45° 43.251' N, 92° 06.837' E, 1223 m altitude |
Conditions | Excellent - clear sky, altitude of the Sun above the horizon 22° |
Optics | 105mm TMB APO f=620mm + Baader Flat-field FFC EFL |
Camera | Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III digital camera (ISO 100) |
Exposure | 1/4000 s - 8 s |
Processing | Composition of 25 images. Eclipse images were calibrated by means of several hundreds of dark frames and flat-fields, aligned by means of phase correlation, composed by means of LDIC 5.0 software, processed using Corona 4.1 in order to visualize coronal structures. Final processing was done using ACC 6.1 software. Image processing by Miloslav Druckmüller |
Software | Astro D3F 2.0, PhaseCorr 6.0, LDIC 5.0, Corona 4.1, Sofo ACC 6.1 |
Orientation | Image must be rotated 77.9° anti-clockwise to achieve standard orientation i. e. North up. |
Copyright | © 2008 Miloslav Druckmüller, Martin Dietzel, Peter Aniol, Vojtech Rušin |
Miloslav Druckmüller
Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Page last update: 27.11.2019