
Corona from Whiskey mountain

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Date21. 08. 2017
Time2nd contact 17:36:46 UT, 3rd contact 17:39:08 UT
PlaceWhiskey mountain, Wyoming, USA
CoordinateN 43° 25.234',   W 109° 37.883',  Alt. 3165 m
ConditionsClear sky, solar altitude 51° above horizon
OpticsMaksutov-Cassegrain, 3M-6A 6.3/500 mm
CameraCanon EOS 5D Mark II
Exposure1/250 s - 4 s
ProcessingComposition of 42 eclipse images. Eclipse images were calibrated by means of dark frames and flat-fields, aligned by means of phase correlation, composed by means of LDIC 6.0 software, processed using Corona 5.0 in order to visualize coronal structures. Final processing was done using ACC 6.1 software.
Image processing by Miloslav Druckmüller
SoftwareAstro D3F 2.0, PhaseCorr 7.0, LDIC 6.0, Corona 5.0, Sofo ACC 6.1
Copyright© 2017 Miloslav Druckmüller, Jana Hoderová, Peter Štarha, Shadia Habbal

Miloslav Druckmüller
Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Page last update: 26.11.2019