
Outer corona

This image is a composite of 8 images - 7 images of inner corona and one image of outer corona taken with long exposure. The resulting image is very similar to the view in a small telescope during the total eclipse.

Date22. 07. 1990
TimeSecond contact 03:03:06 UT, third contact 03:04:50 UT
Eclipse duration 104 s
PlaceRussia, Chukotka, Markovo village near Anadyr river
CoordinateE 170° 30' , N 64° 43'
ConditionsGood - altitude of the Sun 41° above the horizon
OpticsMerz 160 mm stopped down to 90 mm, focal length 1785 mm
FilmFortepan 400
Exposure1/125 s - 2 s
ProcessingComposition (noise optimized) of seven inner corona images and one outer corona image enhanced by means of adaptive kernel convolution.
Image processing by Miloslav Druckmüller
ScannerNikon LS 8000 (4000dpi resolution, 16 bit/pixel)
SoftwareSofo ACC 6.0 Scientific Image Analyzer with Match II Module (final processing)
Corona 3.0 Analyzer (coronal structure enhancement)
PhaseCorr 2.0 Analyzer (rotation estimation - registration of images)
NoteThe original images are B&W, the color is added by image processing
OrientationThis image has the standard orientation i.e. North on the top end East on the left
Copyright© 1990 Úpice Observatory, © 2004 Miloslav Druckmüller

Miloslav Druckmüller
Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Page last update: 27.11.2019