
Changes in corona during 3 hours

The left image was created using two series of images taken in Africa within a period of about 8 minutes. The first series was taken by Vojtech Rušin in South Africa, the second one was taken by Friedhelm Dorst in Mozambique. The image shows the solar corona approximately at 06:23 UT.

The right image is made from images captured by Arne Danielsen in Australia at 09:11 UT.

The time delay of about 168 minutes is relatively long and enables to study changes in the solar corona. It is possible to find a lot of changes by careful comparing both images. The most significant one can be found in the top left part of the images (see the small cropped images left). The difference in color of images is caused by different altitude of the Sun. The altitude of the Sun above the horizon was 41° in South Africa, 47° in Mozambique, but only 6° in Australia.

Click on the image or on the following reference to display the higher resolution image version (1.8 MB, PNG format).

Date04. 12. 2002
TimeAfrica (Rušin): second contact 06:18:26 UT, third contact 06:19:34 UT
Africa (Dorst): second contact 06:26:15 UT, third contact 06:27:44 UT
Australia: second contact 09:10:56 UT, third contact 09:11:25 UT
PlaceAfrica (Rušin): South Africa, Messina
Africa (Dorst): Mozambique
Australia: Koolimylka, Woomera Prohibited Area
CoordinateAfrica (Rušin): 30° 00' E, 22° 23' S, altitude approx. 1500 m
Africa (Dorst): 33° 53' 51.1'' E, 24° 58' 58.5 '' S, altitude approx. 100 m
Australia: 136° 31' 32'' E, 30° 57' 15'' S, altitude approx. 244 m
OpticsAfrica (Rušin): Zeiss 10/1000 mm
Africa (Dorst): Traveler - Astrophysics with field flattening lens and TC 300 teleconverter of Nikon, effective focal length 1315 mm at 105 mm aperture
Australia: Takahashi FS-60C w/Extender-Q (568 mm f/9,5)
CameraAfrica (Dorst): Nikon D1H digital camera
Australia: Canon EOS D60 digital camera
FilmAfrica (Rušin): Fujicolor Reala 100
ProcessingAfrica: Composition of 20 images (16 Rušin, 4 Dorst)
Australia: Composition of 8 images.
Images were aligned by means of phase correlation technique and then processed using Corona 3.0 software. Final processing was done by means of ACC 6.0 image analyzer.
Image processing by Miloslav Druckmüller
SoftwarePhaseCorr 3.0, Corona 3.0, Sofo ACC 6.0
OrientationImages must be rotated 6.4° clockwise to achieve the standard orientation (N top, E left)
More infoArne Danielsen Web page
Copyright© 2002 Arne Danielsen, Friedhelm Dorst, Vojtech Rušin
© 2005 Miloslav Druckmüller

Miloslav Druckmüller
Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Page last update: 27.11.2019