
Inner corona and SOHO EIT 30.4nm

This image is the result of processing of two sets of eclipse images and SOHO EIT 30.4nm (He II) image. The innermost part of corona was reconstructed using digital images taken by Friedhelm Dorst, the more distant part was created according to images taken by Vojtech Rušin and the part obscured by the Moon was replaced by SOHO 30.4nm image. All images were aligned with subpixel precision. The position of the Moon corresponds the time of the 2nd contact therefore the solar and lunar limbs are nearly identical on one top-left side. The difference between the the solar and lunar limb is clearly visible on the opposite side.

Date04. 12. 2002
TimeR: Second contact 06:18:26 UT, third contact 06:19:34 UT
D: Second contact 06:26:15 UT, third contact 06:27:44 UT
SOHO image: 06:22:37 UT
PlaceR: South Africa
D: Mozambique
CoordinateR: 30° 00' E, 22° 23' S, altitude approx. 1500 m
D: 33° 53' 51.1'' E, 24° 58' 58.5 '' S, altitude approx. 100 m
ConditionsR: Good
D: At the beginning of totality homogeneous but rather transparent clouds
OpticsR: Zeiss 10/1000 mm
D: Traveler - Astrophysics with field flattening lens and TC 300 teleconverter of Nikon, effective focal length 1315 mm at 105 mm aperture .
CameraD: Nikon D1H digital camera body
Resolution3.66 arc sec / pixel (image on this Web page)
FilmR: Fujicolor Reala 100
Processing21 different images (16 R, 4 D, 1 SOHO) were used for image creation. Images were aligned by means of ACC 6.0 Match II module (D, SOHO) or by means of phase correlation technique (R), then processed using Corona 3.0 software. Final processing was done by ACC 6.0 software.
Image processing by Miloslav Druckmüller
SoftwareCorona 3.0, Sofo ACC 6.0 with Match II module, PhaseCorr 3.0
NoteD ... denotes Friedhelm Dorst
R ... denotes Vojtech Rušin
OrientationImage must be rotated 62.7° anticlockwise to achieve the standard orientation (N top, E left)
Copyright© 2002 Friedhelm Dorst and Vojtech Rušin © 2002 NASA/ESA
© 2004 Miloslav Druckmüller

Miloslav Druckmüller
Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Page last update: 27.11.2019