
Clouds as the Solar Filter

The partial solar eclipse photography is a very easy task, theoretically. What you only need, is a safe solar filter and a long focal lens. My Maksutov - Cassegrain telescope was equipped with the Baader AstroSolar Safety foil. However, thin clouds which filtered the sunshine caused that the filter was too dark and it was impossible to take pictures because of very long exposition times. Without the filter it was dangerous to look into the camera. Finally I had to adjust the telescope using the filter and then take the picture without it. The autoexposure system of my camera was surely out of range but Agfa Vista film managed the overexposure very well as you may see on the picture.

Date31. 05. 2003
PlaceTable Mountain near Mikulov, Czech Republic
OpticsMaksutov - Cassegrain MTO 1000a, 10.5/1084 mm
CameraMinolta X-700
FilmAgfa Vista 200
ScannerNikon LS 2000 (2750dpi resolution, RGB, 3 × 16bit/pixel, 4 × multisample)
SoftwareSofo ACC 5.0
NoteAnnular solar eclipse visible in the Czech Republic (Europe) as partial one
Copyright© 2003 Miloslav Druckmüller


Miloslav Druckmüller
Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Page last update: 19.3.2007