
Comet Hyakutake on April 17, 1996
Comet Hale - Bopp on April 8, 1997

The majestic comet West visible in March 1976 on the morning sky was for the period of twenty years (1976 - 1996) the only bright comet visible from the northern hemisphere. Therefore it is very interesting that nearly on the same place in the sky there were visible two bright comets within a one-year period. Image composing techniques make possible to create a realistic view showing both comets at the same time. The comparison of the comet Hyakutake (left) and Hale - Bopp (right) is very interesting. The star cluster which is visible on the right from Hale - Bopp comet is the open cluster M 34 in Perseus.
This image has an interesting successor.
Click on the following reference to display the same image in the maximum quality (140 KB, PNG format).

DateComet Hyakutake : 17. 04. 1996
Comet Hale - Bopp : 08. 04. 1997
TimeComet Hale - Bopp : 19:43-19:43.5, 19:45-19:48, 19:48-19:49.5 UT
Comet Hyakutake : 19:35 - 19:38, 19:38 - 19:40, 19:41 - 19:45 UT
OpticsComet Hyakutake : Pentacon 2.8/100 mm
Comet Hale - Bopp : Sonnar 3.5/135 mm
FilmComet Hyakutake : Fomapan T200 (Kodak T Max, 20 min, 22°C)
Comet Hale - Bopp : Ilford Delta 400 (Microphen, 14 min, 20°)
ProcessingComposition of 3 images of Hale - Bopp comet and 3 images of Hyakutake comet
SoftwareRegistar 1.0, Sofo ACC 5.0
Copyright© 2003 Miloslav Druckmüller

Miloslav Druckmüller
Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Page last update: 24.2.2009